Stability AI releases Stable Video Diffusion, which turns pictures into short videos


Smack-Fu Master, in training
These are better than the Runway Gen 2 example I saw over the weekend.

[Can't quote the link]
What I find amazing is that the background is passable too! In the linked "Distracted Boyfriend" meme the guy with the yellow shirt on the right in the background is properly animated and has two legs even though only one leg is visible on the still image.
7 (9 / -2)
Okay, who can come up with the best interpretation of the tag-line on the can of Slurge? Go!

Edit: Guess I should go first

Sumlong my all this Quizler?
From another article about Dall-E :


There is something Lovecraftian about it though!
19 (22 / -3)


Ars Tribunus Militum
Okay, who can come up with the best interpretation of the tag-line on the can of Slurge? Go!

Edit: Guess I should go first

Sumlong my all this Quizler?
Slurges McKenzie, is that you?

That rain looks off-puttingly drippy, unless it is in fact Slurge rain, in which case carry on.
25 (27 / -2)


Ars Tribunus Militum
I have software called Photo Mirage that can do something similar from 2018. Its not exactly the same, but I'm just showing this type of thing isn't too revolutionary.
Not even close to the same thing. Photo Mirage is just doing some vector smooshing dissolved loops, you even have to tell it what to move, no content awareness.

This is creating structured object based motion, new information. Go to the release page and look at the examples. No comparison.
41 (42 / -1)
Post content hidden for low score. Show…


Smack-Fu Master, in training
If AI represents the end of us, then the end is already in the rearview mirror.

I actually meant the end of jobs, not humanity (although my flippant comment didn't communicate that at all!). The trajectory of AI – to think ChatGPT was announced just a year ago! – makes me feel like we're on a bullet train, destination: layoffs.
18 (18 / 0)


Ars Tribunus Angusticlavius
I actually meant the end of jobs, not humanity (although my flippant comment didn't communicate that at all!). The trajectory of AI – to think ChatGPT was announced just a year ago! – makes me feel like we're on a bullet train, destination: layoffs.
There will be plenty of jobs; someone is needed to manage the bots that make the food, repair the bots that break in unexpected ways, and to herd the botfarms that create consumable content.
-7 (5 / -12)


Ars Tribunus Angusticlavius
2 seconds? I don't have the attention span to watch videos like it. Also, does youtube add ads before them?
Funny, my first thought was "I can see two industries that would run rampant with this... the second being the video ad industry." After all, this article even has a video ad for Slurge embedded in it....
24 (24 / 0)


Smack-Fu Master, in training
There will be plenty of jobs; someone is needed to manage the bots that make the food, repair the bots that break in unexpected ways, and to herd the botfarms that create consumable content.
You paint an inspiring vision of Agrarian Society 2.0! Next up: revolting peasants?
9 (9 / 0)
You paint an inspiring vision of Agrarian Society 2.0! Next up: revolting peasants?
I've been fixing computers for my entire career. I will be the first to welcome the new paradigm that computers will learn how to fix themselves and I'll be out of this job.

I don't want computers to be perpetually broken. I want them to be reliable and work without a hitch, because achieving that allows me to start putting my computers to work on solving real problems.

Do you want nanobots to fight off disease and deterioration? Do you want to visit Mars or even further out? Do you want to have free, unlimited energy and internet access worldwide? Do you want to have clean water and cheap shelter in every community?

Many obstacles stand in the way of humanity achieving such heights, but the biggest obstacle of all is broadening everyone's imagination to understand that the way we currently live is not healthy and not sustainable, and we can all be better off by automating the hell out of the tedium and toil.

Think outside the way of life you have become accustomed to, and ask yourself what you would really be doing if all the office work suddenly disappeared tomorrow. Because frankly, it can happen anytime now.
44 (47 / -3)

quamquam quid loquor

Ars Tribunus Militum
You forgot chattel, sex worker, and human furniture.
People said the same thing about computers. There’s still chattel, sex workers, and human furniture today. Technology lifts the very bottom and the very top, it just hollows out the middle.
8 (9 / -1)
I've been fixing computers for my entire career. I will be the first to welcome the new paradigm that computers will learn how to fix themselves and I'll be out of this job.

I don't want computers to be perpetually broken. I want them to be reliable and work without a hitch, because achieving that allows me to start putting my computers to work on solving real problems.

Do you want nanobots to fight off disease and deterioration? Do you want to visit Mars or even further out? Do you want to have free, unlimited energy and internet access worldwide? Do you want to have clean water and cheap shelter in every community?

Many obstacles stand in the way of humanity achieving such heights, but the biggest obstacle of all is broadening everyone's imagination to understand that the way we currently live is not healthy and not sustainable, and we can all be better off by automating the hell out of the tedium and toil.

Think outside the way of life you have become accustomed to, and ask yourself what you would really be doing if all the office work suddenly disappeared tomorrow. Because frankly, it can happen anytime now.
I don't mind AI that does things better than a human can. I do mind people who don't care about quality getting AI to do things badly to avoid the expense of hiring a human to do it well.
28 (29 / -1)